
MAFA Constitution – 2024



  1. Each MAFA roster will consist of 56 players which may include players which were not rated for Action! PC Football during that season. Each team’s roster must have enough players to fill all positions and have at least one backup for every position, excluding kickers and punters. Each team must comply with the guildelines established in Appendix A – Salary Cap.
  2. All teams must meet the following minimum requirements at the start of the regular season;  350 passing attempts, 275 rushing attempts, and 250 receptions.  Innocuous players may be used to meet these requirements.
  3. Players may play out of position within the following guidelines: C, G, T may play any offensive line position or TE; DE, DT may play any defensive line position; ILB, OLB may play any linebacker position; CB, S may play any defensive back position. Players who play out of position are reduced in effectiveness by the game.
  4. Draft choices can be traded but not more than one year in advance.
  5. By 13 days after the draft at midnight, teams must cut their rosters to be within the season salary cap and roster limit.
  6. Between the above date and 8 days later when final rosters are due, any team may claim any player from the free agent list.  Unrated players may not be claimed.  There is no limit to the number of players a team may claim in a day.  For a successful claim, the player is awarded the following day.  A player cut in free agency may not be claimed by the same team on the next day.  If a player is claimed by more than one team on the same day, the team with the smallest salary total will acquire the player.  Any additional ties will be broken by using the original draft order for rounds 2-8.  When claiming a player, it should also be stated which player(s) will be cut, if necessary, to remain within the salary cap or roster limit.
  7. After final rosters have been submitted, players may only be picked up off waivers under the following scenario:  During the season a player is injured for more than 3 games. The team may request that the league award a free agent to use as a replacement for the injured player, at the same position. The awarded player will be returned to the FA pool at the conclusion of the season. The team must release a player at the time of award to maintain roster size.
  8. The trading deadline will be set as the same day as the NFL trade deadline each season.
  9. Players not on a roster become eligible for the next year’s annual draft.
  10. Each team will select an NFL stadium (old or current). All home games will be played in this stadium. Only one team per stadium with the exception of current stadiums which host multiple teams.  A team may change stadiums if they have been in their current stadium a minimum of 3 years.  This is waived for new coaches joining the league.
  11. If a full complement of coaches is not achieved the league will take control of a franchise for the year.  The Commissioner will seek help from a coach in the other conference to sub for games and run the team.  There will be no trading between them.


  1. The MAFA season will consist of 17 games played in a weekly format over 18 weeks. Each team will have one bye week.  The schedule will be based on the NFL schedules of 1990-1992 when the NFL had 28 teams and one bye week, using the previous year’s final standings.  A 17th game will be added in the middle of the season, against a non-conference team that you do not already play that season.  The home team for this 17th game will be the team from one conference, and then the other conference the next year.
  2. A 2 day window will be provided for submitting coach files or to set up Internet play. The visiting team is responsible to contact the home team. The commissioner will set the days and times for the 2-day window (currently end of day Thursday).
  3. If the visiting coach wants to play online, and the home coach is not able to that week, given enough reasonable time options by the visiting coach, the home coach may find a sub to play for them or allow the visiting coach to make a public attempt to the league to find a sub.  The home coach has until the end of the day Friday to find a sub.  If there is no sub coach available 24 hours after the public attempt, the visiting coach may play the computer.  If there is a disagreement about playing the computer, please contact the commissioner before playing.
  4. If a coach file/request for Internet play is not received by the end of the 2-day window (currently end of day Thursday), the home team may play the game using the visiting team as is it set up on the league disk.
  5. At the completion of each game, the home coach will send the file for the game to the commissioner and the visiting coach. A backup of the files should be maintained in case of file damage during transfer.
  6. Any game file not received by the commissioner by the weekly deadline will be autoplayed.
  7. At the conclusion of each weekly cycle, updated files will be sent to the league members.



  1. MAFA will have 28 teams, with 2 divisions of 4 teams each, and 4 divisions of 5 teams each.
  2. Tie-breakers – Use the actual NFL tie-breakers to break ties for playoffs and draft order.
  3. Each division winner will qualify for the playoffs, and each conference will have three wild card teams. Wild card teams will use the same tie-breaker rules as explained above with the exception of item c, division record. Teams will be seeded using the tie-breakers listed above with division winners holding seeds 1, 2 and 3. Wild cards hold positions 4, 5 and 6.
  4. The first round of the playoffs will consist of the 3rd seeded division winner and the three wild card teams playing each other. The home teams for these games will be the teams with the higher seed.
  5. The second round of the playoffs will consist of the lowest seeded winner of the wild card round playing the division winner with the 1st seed; the division winner with the 2nd seed will host the highest seeded winner of the wild card round.
  6. The Conference and League championships will be between the surviving teams from the previous rounds. The Conference championship will be for one game with the winner with the higher seed as the home team.
  7. The League Championship will be played with the Rooney team as the home team in even years, the Halas team as the home team in odd years. The game will be played in the stadium of the current year’s real life Super Bowl.
  8. For each of these rounds a time limit of 10 days will be strictly enforced.  Otherwise, alternatives suitable to getting the games played in a timely manner will be arranged. Failure to comply with the 10 day limit can result in penalties.  However, coaches will put forth their best effort to play and submit game files in 7 days just as in the regular season.
  9. All playoff games must be played head to head.  Substitute coaches will not be allowed except for extraordinary situations approved by the Commissioner.  The home team will provide a write-up to the league, regardless of which team won the game.
  10. Each season that a coach from one of our 5-team divisions leaves MAFA, the new owner will be reassigned to the 4-team division within the same conference the following season.  For these purposes, the beginning of a new season will be defined as the release of the first disk of the offseason.  In a season where multiple coaches from a 5-team division within the same conference leave, the 1st coach to join in each conference will be relocated.



  1. An annual draft of all rookies and free agents who are rated by Action! PC Football will take place each year, on the first Saturday of August in even years, and the second Saturday of August in odd years. This draft will consist of 8 rounds.
  2. A lottery will be held following the league championship to determine draft order for the first four picks of the first round. The lottery will be determined using a confirmable source, such as a published lottery result as the basis for determining the draft order. Team that failed to make the playoffs and finished below .500 will participate in the lottery. The lottery will be conducted as follows:
  • The highest-ranking lottery team (highest winning pct.) is given one token. The 2nd highest-ranking team is given 2 tokens, etc.
  • Teams are pulled at random to determine the first four positions of the draft order for round 1. The lowest ranking team may not pick lower than 4.
  • Teams not selected are placed in reverse order of finish after the 4 lottery teams.
  1. Teams which are not part of the lottery will be placed in reverse order of finish. The Super Bowl participants will be placed 27th and 28th, with the League Champion drafting 28th.
  2. After the first round, the draft order will be by reverse order of finish, with the same rules as the NFL draft order.
  3. There will be two phases of the draft. The first phase will involve an Internet draft consisting of 8 rounds. The second phase will be a random distribution of all remaining unowned players.
  4. Only draft choices from rounds 1 through 8 may be traded.
  5. Draft choices may be lost due to penalties levied by the commissioner.
  6. Teams will strictly adhere to a 3 minute limit per pick in the draft.  Approximately 30 seconds before the time for a pick has expired the Commissioner will warn the team.  If there is no pick then the next team can pick.  The passed team can pick anytime but the pick is official only when the Commissioner confirms it over the chat room.
  7. Coaches will be allowed to pick by email when they are ready up to draft day if they choose.



  1. All games must be played with the latest version of the Action! PC Football and player disk released for Action! PC Football. The player disk from Action! PC Football shall only be edited for card errors as reported by Dave Koch Sports, to add unrated players for the purpose of keeping rosters, and to edit usage statistics per rule 6.2.
  2. Before the beginning of the season, the commissioner will send the disk containing the league organization to each coach. This team disk must be used to play league games. This disk must not be altered in any way (ie, team names, etc), except by direction of the commissioner, or the visiting / home coach for team unit moves.
  3. The visiting team will be operated by the computer coach, or the game may be played head to head via the Internet. The home field coach may use the computer coach for his own team.  A home field advantage of 3 will be used for all games.
  4. Visiting coaches may send a coach file to be loaded prior to the game. The home coach must use the coach file if one is sent.
  5. Injuries will carry over into upcoming games. Players that have injured games remaining at the conclusion of the regular season will have those injuries carry over into the playoffs.  The option of limiting games missed to real life total will be turned on.
  6. Instant replay will be used in all league games, and all scoring plays and turnovers will automatically be reviewed.
  7. Audibles will be used in all league games, and will be limited to 3 per half.
  8. Coaches must attempt to win all games in which they participate (either H2H or via coaching file) by using reasonable strategies and representative players.
  9. The NFL overtime rule will be used in all MAFA games.



  1. The season and game fatigue components of the Action! PC game will be used. Game fatigue levels of 15%/15%/15% (mild/moderate/major) will be used, as well as 110%/115%/120% (mild/moderate/major) levels for season fatigue. Special teams fatigue will be used. During the playoffs game fatigue will be changed from 15% to 10%.  During the playoffs season fatigue will be changed from 110%/115%/120% to 30%/33%/36%.  All QBs will be allowed 30 attempts before game usage penalties apply, only during the regular season.  All RBs will be allowed 5 attempts before game usage penalties apply, only during the regular season.  All Receivers will be allowed 3 catches before game usage penalties apply, only during the regular season.
  2. Kickers and punters who have 15 or less field goal attempts, extra point attemps, or punts will be limited to 130% of their real life field goal  and/or extra points attempts and punts.
  3. Skill players who have statistics below certain levels can be considered “Innocuous Players”. Each team is limited to one innocuous RB, one innocuous receiver, and one innocuous QB.  Innocuous players must be requested before the Week 1 files are sent out.  Such players may have their statistics edited to allow increased season usage. In order to be innocuous you must already have statistics, in other words you can not have 0 rushes and be made an innocuous rusher.  The salaries of all innocuous skill players will be increased by $1,000,000.  The durability of all innocuous skill players will be increased to 10 (+/- will stay as is) and their games played increased to 17.  Only teams with fewer than 300 receptions can add an innocuous receiver. Statistics will be edited at the request of the coach, given the following restrictions:
  • Runs – One RB who averaged <= 3.5 yards per carry with a long run < 30 yards will be considered an Innocuous Runner. Usage for an Innocuous Runner may be increased to 170 runs at the request of the coach.  A RB with a run or pass block rating of 2 or more or a workhorse rating is not eligible to be made innocuous.
  • Receptions – One RB, WR or TE with receptions < 40 and an average < 13.0 yards per catch will be considered an Innocuous Receiver. Usage for an Innocuous Receiver may be increased to 40 receptions at the request of the coach, if the team has fewer than 300 receptions.  A TE with a blocking rating higher than 4/2 may not be made an innocuous receiver.
  • Passes – One QB with less than 300 attempts, a rating <= 80.0, and a completion percentage <=65% will be considered an Innocuous Passer. Usage for an Innocuous Passer may be increased to 300 passes at the request of the coach.
  • Touchdowns for any of the above will not be edited. Fumbles, interceptions, drops, etc. will be edited.
  1. Any kickoff returner < 20 yards per return with a long < 50, and any punt returner < 7 yards per return with a long < 40 can have their number of returns increased to 20.  Their fumbles will be edited.  No change to their salary is needed.
  2. Kickers with a 70% or lower field goal percentage may have their games set to 17 and their durability set to 10.  Their kickoff rating will be set to 57 and their kickoff return rating will be set to 0.  Their salaries will increase by $500k.
  3. Punters with a gross average less than 44 yards and a net average less than 39 yards may have their games set to 17 and their durability set to 10.  Their kickoff rating will be set to 57 and their kickoff return rating will be set to 0.  Their salaries will increase by $500k.
  4. Kickoff returners who average more than 24 yards per return, and punt returners who average more than 10 yards per return, with less than 10 returns will be removed from the kickoff and/or punt return unit once they reach their real life total.


  1. The rules may change from year to year. Written proposals can be submitted to the commissioner at any time, and during the off-season, a ballot will be sent to all league members outlining different proposals made by league members. A vote taken, and all proposals need at least 60% of submitted votes approval to pass, with at least 15 active members voting.
  2. If the game introduces a new feature which can be turned on/off then there would be a one time vote which would require a majority of votes to be adopted.  Any future votes regarding the feature would abide by the above rules.  If the feature has multiple options (i.e. number of audibles allowed) then there would be a one time vote to determine if the feature will be allowed, and then if passed a one time vote to determine which option will be used, with the option receiving the most votes winning.  Any future votes regarding the feature would abide by the above rules.



  1. Coaches may be fined for late submission of rosters and game files. The system of fines for lateness will be:
  • 1st offense – warning
  • 2nd offense – loss of a 4th round pick. If the team does not have a 4th round pick, the commissioner will choose an alternative penalty.
  • 3rd offense – loss of 2nd round pick or removal from the league. If the team does not have a 2nd round pick, the commissioner will choose an alternative penalty.
  1. If a coach is expelled from the league, all penalties will be refunded to the team’s new coach.
  2. The commissioner reserves the right to penalize a member or remove a member from the league should conditions warrant such action. Failure to use good sportsmanship, abide by league rules including the spirit of the rules, cheating or unfair play and incompetence are examples of such conditions.  This clause in the Constitution is to be broadly interpreted with respect to trading/drafting/waiver claims/and general coaching demeanor.  Warnings should generally be given before the imposition of any penalties and any such penalties may include loss of a future pick.  Subdivision 4 below applies to this subdivision.
  3. The commissioner has the flexibility to confer with other GM’s with consideration to trading, drafting, and playing by offending GM’s/Coaches.


Appendix A – Salary Cap


  1. The Salary Cap Period begins when the Commissioner receives the disk and determines the current salaries of each team. On or before April 15, the Commissioner will send an e-mail to all league teams indicating their current cap position.
  2. Each team will be required to reduce the team payroll to a salary maximum. Each team will cut players as necessary in order to comply with the cap number. On or before May 15 at 12 Midnight EDT, each team will submit to the Commissioner a list of players that will be cut in order to comply with the cap.
  3. The players who are cut will be placed into the draft pool.
  4. After May 15, teams are free to trade players and draft choices; however, no team can go over the designated cap. Any trades that would result in a cap violation shall be voided by the Commissioner.
  5. The annual draft will allow teams to select players without regard to salary. However, after the draft all teams will adhere to a maximum salary. Teams will make post-draft roster cuts as necessary in order to comply with the cap by August 18th at midnight.
  6. For the season, the cap maximum will be adjusted (i.e., increased) based on the % of change for stock NFL teams on the disk. The Commissioner will calculate the salary cap and announce it to the league upon release of the first league disk.
  7. The Commissioner will select one coach from each conference and one additional coach to serve on the Executive Committee along with the Commissioner. The four-man Committee can void any trade that undermines the competitive balance of the league. If any coach believes a trade undermines the competitive balance of the league, they shall let the commissioner know they would like the trade reviewed.  A ¾ vote will be required to void a trade. Currently the Executive Committee consists of Alan Raylesberg, Kerry Donato, Jeff Garretson, and a commissioner vote of Scott Miller.
  8. For the 2024 MAFA season the salary cap is set at $126,234,000.
  9. Any rule proposal that would change the salary cap will not take effect during the current MAFA season, but the next MAFA season.